Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Some Things I've Noticed

The people who are least gifted with the ability to sing are often the most likely to demonstrate it.

It takes half an hour for your food to go from scalding hot to edible. It takes half a minute to go from edible to stone cold.

Bloggers are the internet equivalent of mimes; even the talented ones are otiose, irritating and devoid of meaningful communication skills.

There's a movie out called Final Destination 5. I guess Final Destination 1 through 4 were just living a lie.

A consultant's job is to take your watch off your wrist and then tell you what time it is.

Apple will never unseat Microsoft as the primary operating system for business users. If everybody switched to a Mac, nobody could blame their rank inefficiency on mysterious "computer problems."

Bankers and politicians are the only professions that ask you how much money you have before they tell you how much you owe. Even prostitutes and drug dealers are more upfront with their prices.

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